At Cardinal Place Estate we maintain three main areas, Cardinal Place, 16 Palace Street and 80-100 Victoria street. They are each unique and require different levels of care and maintenance. Planting includes shrubs such as Bergenia crassifolia, Skimmia ‘Magic Marlot’ and Sarcococca confuse.
What we did
Cardinal Place has a tree lined walkway, various shrubs, Escalator beds, Lawns and Hedges. These all require regular pruning, general care, litter picking and watering via an irrigation system. Disease and pest control are also dealt with as and when required. Palace Street has trees, shrubs and hedges along with hard standing areas. These all require the care plan as for Cardinal Place. At Victoria street we supply interior planting and displays in the form of a large Bamboo display and fourteen free standing displays requiring watering. Fertilising and leaf wiping.
Client Info
The estate includes three main buildings – 16 Palace Street and 80 and 100 Victoria Street – linked by attractive public gardens and thoroughfares. Cardinal Place has become one of the most recognisable sights in Victoria, the dramatic sweep of its glass façade narrowing to a single point at the corner of Victoria Street and Bressenden Place.